페미위키:포크 프로젝트/Viscera Cleanup Detail Wiki/Teleporter

최근 편집: 2023년 2월 5일 (일) 19:52
The teleporter

The Teleporter is a tool which appears only in the level Core Sample.

The teleporter appears as two sets of gray rectangular pads, with the top side being either a blue circle with a red background, or a red circle with a blue background, and the bottom side with the numbers one or two respectively. These correspond to the sets being either number one or number two.


When activated, the teleporter teleports one item or the player on the pad to the other, or if both pads have an item on them, it swaps the places of both of them. Even if multiple items are on the pad, it only teleports one of them, but if used in conjunction with the Quantum Bin, it will teleport the bin and everything inside it.

The teleporter can be activated from one of the sides by pressing the 'activate' button with your hands equipped. When activated, you can see a large blue circle above the teleporter and a humming noise.

Like many other things, the teleporter too, has it's own occasional malfunction. This is recognizable by the blue circle above turning red and the electrostatic noise heard coming from the pad. This does not activate the other end of the teleporter, but instead duplicates the item on the activated pad. If a player is standing on the malfunctioning pad, it gibs them sending body parts flying in random directions. If the quantum bin is used, all of the items inside it will also be duplicated.

The teleporter cannot be used if at least one of them is upside down, resulting to an error beep, although the player can get around this by first activating it, then picking it up and rotating it.

If the teleporter teleports it's paired partner, and the duplication event occurs, one pad will be linked to two pads of the same colour - 2 pads linked to a central hub.

Portal A -> Portal B <- Portal C

Travelling from Portal B would arrive at Portal A regardless though.


The teleporter facing the incinerator.
  • If the teleporter is facing any other direction than up, it tends to fling the item the direction the pad is facing. This creates an interesting way to set it up so that it flings the items directly in to the incinerator.
  • As of v1.12, if the teleporter is taken to the office, it "breaks" in a way that all the different pads turn in to the same pad, and if tried to activate, play an error beep. This has been confirmed by the developers that this a bug and will be fixed in a later patch.[1]


  • As many others in Core sample, the teleporter is also a reference to the video game franchise Half-Life, or more accurately, the mini-teleporter in doctor Isaac Kleiner's laboratory in Half-Life 2.

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