YHB/From New York to Washington

최근 편집: 2024년 5월 11일 (토) 08:55
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At the same time as the march in North Korea, the march in America began, led by Han Ho-seok. This was a much smaller march of only 40 participants. Many Americans were indifferent, and some were hostile – they shouted “Go back to your own country!” Nonetheless, the march continued, carrying their petition with 110,000 signatures.

Yoon attended neither the march in North Korea nor the march in the U.S. in person. Instead, he stayed in the YKU community center in New York and managed both marches from afar. He barely slept during that week.

North Korea's march arrived at Panmunjeom on July 27, and the U.S. march arrived in Washington D.C. on the same day. In North Korea, the participants founded the International Solidarity Committee for Peace & Reunification of Korea, and committed to marching every two years. In the U.S., the participants delivered the petition to the U.S. congress. They also opened a contest to promote the end of war in Korea. The contest received international media coverage.

When the march in North Korea arrived at Panmunjeom, something unexpected happened. After the closing ceremony, the participants of the march attempted to go through the Panmunjeom and across the border. When they were stopped, they immediately started a hunger strike. This hunger strike had not been planned in advance, but it was impossible to convince the participants to give up. A total of 65 people, including 10 foreigners, Lim Soo-kyoung, and the Catholic Priest Mun Kyu-hyun who accompanied Lim Soo-kyoung held a 6 day hunger strike.

When the YKU heard of this, the 10 YKU members began a hunger strike as well for 4 days. In the end, Lim Soo-kyoung and Priest Moon Kyu-hyun returned to South Korea by crossing the border, and served time in jail as a result.