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기록 목록
  • 2022년 6월 2일 (목) 06:08 Yonghokim 토론 기여님이 Monster Busters 문서를 만들었습니다 (새 문서: '''Monster Busters''' is a mobile puzzle game released for Android and iOS.{{유튜브|SkZaK-wCk4I|Trailer|섬네일}}The game's basic playstyle consists of moving colored pieces, "monsters", one square at a time in a 9x9 board space to put 3 pieces in a row, which makes them disappear and their space gets filled up with more pieces - a genre of puzzle games commonly known as match-3. == Gameplay == These rules apply when moving a piece: # A piece can only be moved when it c...) 태그: 시각 편집