
최근 편집: 2021년 6월 24일 (목) 00:00
이 문서는 페미위키:대문/소개 문서를 번역한 것이며 번역은 83% 완료했습니다.
오래된 번역은 이렇게 표시됩니다.

Welcome! FemiWiki is a wiki site where anyone can create and edit documents. We launched as a community effort to counter prevalent misogynistic, male-centered sources of Korean language information online that was also lacking in inclusivity towards most categories of minorities. 다음을 참고할 것 What is FemiWiki?

As of 27 7, 2024 (Saturday), there are currently 20 users and they have edited 21,045 articles. Join us today!