In the United States, nonprofit organizations are able to save significantly in mailing costs if properly planned in advance, using a category of mail called nonprofit bulk mail.

Nonprofit bulk mail is not a postage discount for single letter mailing - it only applies when mail is sent in bulk - 250 or more pieces of mail per geographic unit as defined by the United States Postal Service.
The below document is a work in progress that describes nonprofit bulk mail. Smaller scale organizations may try to produce nonprofit bulk mail in-house - which requires meeting a wide range of regulations established by the USPS - dimensions and design of mail piece, packaging and sorting of mailpieces, delivery and payment standards. The organization that initially developed this documentation now relies on mailing vendor companies to handle and comply with regulations.
Nonprofut Bulk Mail License information
- PERMIT NO. 5702
Mailer ID: 901023662
$225 annual permit
To confirm status: 323-586-7420 Bulk Mail
- Accounts, Balances, Seeds
- Permit, Bulk Mail Classes for Nonprofit
- Periodical Stuff
- Bulk Mail Technician
- Supervisor
- 3602-NZ Form
- Sample Form: Page 1 Page 2
- customized form for KRC (edited from version downloaded from USPS on 3/25/2013)
- Mail tray tie strap
- Best price: Pitney Bowes $22.50+$10(S/H) for 500'
- wafer seal
- Duck Strapping Kit Staples SKU 075353107140
Tray Tags
Vendors: Whittier Mailing Products
- (888) 872-9824 ext. 220; (562) 464-3007 - Fax
- 13019 Park Street, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670-4005
- 8am-4pm
- 1" white paper tab; $4.15 per 5,000
- Paper tab with perforation semi-clear tab; 15/16" $6.00 per 5,000
- 2822 E. Olympic Blvd. , Los Angeles CA, 90023
- Monday-Friday 8:00-4:30 pm including lunch breaks
- $69.99+tax Postal Strapping Kit: 3,000' of strap, 500 buckles, self tensioner (apparently always on stock)
- $39.99+tax 500 buckles
- 323-268-1347
- Offices in La Brea/Melrose, Downtown, Culver City, Gardena, Rosemead, Santa Fe Springs
- Paper products
Shots of large number of trays
Documentation requirements (sorting criteria, etc)
Santa Ana
3101 W Sunflower Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92799
- Phone : (714) 662-6447
- Fax : (714) 966-2004
Grove Office
- Will close in late November 2013. (Nov 29?)
Can only get the "None" entry type discounts. The DSCF (about $0.07 lower per piece) rates are only available at the Central Office
Bicentennial Office 7610 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles Ca 90048-9998 (By the Grove Mall)
- (323)933-1839
- Fax: 323-933-1810
Bulk mail operations are at the docks in the southern parking lot.
Hours: (checked 8/27/2013)
- 10am-4pm T (Lunch 1-2pm)
- 10am-12:30pm W, R, F
Central Office
Delivery Center sample shots
Minimum 150 per ADC area
Large: 450-1000 Small: 200-450
- Saturday 10am-2pm
- Weekday 10am-6pm
Business Reply Mail
KRC Permit Number: 1000 (BRM Permit for Fees) and 1001 (for balance) Customer Name: Korean Resource Center Rimpau Station, LA CA 900181067
Rimpau says our permit disappeared, they say call 323-586-2605
Rimpau Station phone number:(323) 735-2094
BRM person: Jackie Hannah(sp?) 323-586-3857
USPS Training: 323-586-2605
4040 West Washington Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90018 (USPS Rimpau)
Rimpau Station Rimpau Business Reply Clerk 323-735-8025 Fax: 323-731-8178 8:30am-5:30am 4040 W Washington Blvd, LA CA 90018
Barcode ID: 00
- Letter-size mail, with or without a printed OEL, may contain “00”.
Special Services: 708 (BRM w/o confirm. From Guide to Intelligent Mail, Letters and Flats p.24)
Mailer ID: 901023662
Serial Number: 000001 (can be any number)
Routing Code: 900191937 (9-digit)
Ask Questions: 900 Area
United States Postal Service
- 7001 S CENTRAL AVE RM 210, LOS ANGELES CA 90052-9614
- Fax Number: 323-586-3702
Mailing Requirements
- 323-586-2605
Brenda Coronado (Specialist)
- Phone Number: 323-586-7421
Catalina Manalastas (Mailpiece Design Analyst)
- Phone Number: 323-586-3748
- Email Address:
Supervisor Debbie Washington
- Direct: 323-586-3638
Copied from Centennial Office
- Information: 800-275-8777
- Business Center: 323-586-1843
- National Customer Support: 800-238-3150
- Pass (Carrier Route) Info: 800-238-3150
- Pick Up Service: 800-221-1811
- Mail Piece Design Analyst: 323-586-3748
- Business Reply: 323-586-2634/2636
- Bulk Mail Class (by appt ea Tue/Wed) 323-586-2636
- USPS Business Mail 101
- Postage Saver Guidethrough
- National Postal Forum (NPF) Workshops - archives of webinars with voice
Please note that the below references provided by KRC may be outdated, as they were last revised in 2015.
- Files used to calculate postage, sort AADC areas etc are located at KRC's public Dropbox folder Dropbox\8 Other\USPS Bulk Mail
- There are another set of Excel files that show abbreviations and such at \8 Other\Digital\Data\Reference\Matching Tables and Conversions
Links to be sorted later
- L004 3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Groups—ADC Sortation]